Friday, February 06, 2009

Well, I had a small mis-hap due to my beloved cat, Spot, this morning. I had only collected a few drops of pre-milk, and he decided to knock my film canister off the table! I still managed to get a bit into my bowl to mix with the water and test. This morning the hardness was between 50-120 ppm.

This evening, *Babe's udder was definitely a bit larger and very, very firm. I also notice she is shedding out her hair around her udder, but not anywhere else. Tonight the hardness was between 120-200 ppm.

Moving along...


Michelle said...

At what hardness level is foaling imminent?

Adria said...

In my experience, when it reaches a solid 1000 ppm, foaling occurs within 12 hours.

Michelle said...

Ah, OK, so you have a little ways to go yet, then.