Spring has continued here in central Vermont, but we have had some days where we thought winter had returned! Brrrrr!
Now that our ground has dried out we have begun working with the horses again. We are changing around our pasture set-up; mowing, bathing horses, and all the general spring type activities on a ranch.
One of the other things that is changing is that soon it will just be the two of us. Our youngest daughter is graduating from high school and plans to move out on her own. After much thinking we have decided to reduce our herd. We are not in any rush to do so, as we want to make sure that the horses we want to sell our partnered with the right human in their life.
The first horse offered is Z Silken. She is a lovely 9 year old mare, very well trained, and smooth-coated (so if you are sensitive to being 'different' then you can have your hypo-allergenic horse and smooth hair too!!).
The second horse being offered was a very hard choice. We have decided to offer *Leo for sale. *Leo is one of TWO champagne colored American Curly horses in the WORLD! That's right, one of TWO IN THE WORLD. Rare among rare. He's just a year, and still has a lot of growing to do. At this time we are offering him intact as a stallion.
We may choose to offer another horse for sale later in the season; we have not decided yet.
So many things have changed in the last year, and decisions have had to be made that were not easy. But like the old saying goes: When life hands you lemons, you should make lemonade (and not be a sour-puss!!).